
LifeStates offers a unique program to assist you in developing your mental, and emotional faculties, through neurotechnologies that allow you to experience your life in an enhanced manner.  

Visit one of our regular Introductory Internet Meetings and learn about the benefits of our ongoing live internet course:

Harnessing the Power of Cybernetics through NeuroharmonicsTM

Dr. Richard Soutar, a world leader in the clinical implementation of neurotechnologies, will share with you what he has learned from decades of training professionals how to optimize their performance and life experience. He and his team will teach you how to use the ZION XL TM neuroharmonics integration unit to identify and manage your different states of consciousness, as well as attain deeply healing twilight states.  Students are guided through inner journeys that aid them in identifying what is blocking their way in obtaining their life objectives and providing them with insights, leading to new growth and development.  Through biofeedback, clients learn to track their biological rhythms and control their physiology in a manner that enhances vitality and helps them obtain a greater sense of calmness, centeredness, and well being.


Stress Management

Stress : The Silent KIller
 Did you know that toxic stress accounts for 60% of adult health health problems ? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, we need to relax.


 Brain Brightening

Feeling forgetful, run down, and not yourself ? We can help !
Brain Brightening increases neuroplasticity in those with cognitive decline. 


Peak Performance 

Using specialized protocols based on your personal qEEG BrainMap, you can train your brain into acuity and better focus.